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Security Key Cylinders - Dr Lock Shop

Security Key Cylinders - Dr Lock Shop

Security Key Cylinders

Cylinders that use a security key have a higher level of protection. The unique shape of the key reduces lock picking attacks and also makes unauthorised key duplication next to impossible. Security cylinders are often used on commercial and retail applications. The cylinders use "Do not copy Keys"  

This type of key system is managed by the issuing locksmith. This means we keep records of the number of keys made, and the number stamped on each key issued, as well as who the authorised person is that has ordered the key.  

Authorization is established when the lock cylinders are sold. This can be updated to the new owner if you sell the property by the authorised person only. 

To order duplicate keys you will re-order through Dr Lock and be the authorised person to do so. 

  • We do not duplicate security keys unless it is issued by Dr Lock and you are authorised to order.
  • If it's not listed below, then we don't offer the product.