Dr Lock Shop - Dr Lock Shop Payment
Bank Deposit -
If you have made an order, the bank deposit infomation will be seen on the last step of the checkout.
If you missed them .
Dr Lock 112 879 155161870
** Use your order number or the same name when you do the deposit, sow we can find the payment.
Paypal -
Paypal is the fastest way, its safe and easy. You don't need an account to use the payment gateway. Yes you can use your credit card
Infomation -
Dr Lock Shop dose not keep any of your payment details, you will need add them each time you order. We use Paypal for a payment gateway, its safe and they process your payamnt or credit card and them pay Dr Lock in "Paypal money" . You can find out more info on Paypal at this link www.paypal.com.au