Dr Lock Locksmith holds full locksmiths licenses.
All of the staff at Dr Lock Locksmith are individually licensed under the NSW security act.
This means that each of our locksmith have their own 2BC License.
Some of our staff have other classes on their personal licenses in addition, Including
- Security seller
- Electronic Equipment
- Security Guard
- Locksmith
Dr Lock Locksmith also holds a Master license. Number:101811
Our prices are competitive and often better than most. Because of our experienced staff and our reluctance to take short cuts or use inferior apprentices or lower grade quality or less experienced staff is some of the reason why our customers continue to rely on us and continue to use us year after year.
Dr Lock is a proud member of ASIAL – Australian Security Industry Association Limited
To become a licensed locksmith there are a number of security checks done by the NSW police Security Industry. Once approved only then is it possible to go to the next step, of applying for a Master license.
Once again this process includes more requirements and security checks, even finger printing. Only after the criteria has been met can you apply to become a member of an association like ASIAL. Once you become a member there is another step of compliance. All of this has been done by Dr Lock and we have passed all of the above and more to be able to offer our locksmith and security services to the community.
This applies to all of our branches!
Dr Lock Parramatta Locksmith
Dr Lock Ryde Locksmith
Dr Lock Hornsby Locksmith
Dr Lock Hornsby Locksmith
Dr Lock 24 Hour Locksmith Sydney

The link below is a link to the NSW Police Security Register – Used for Verifying Security Licenses
NSW Police Force Security Industry Registry Public Register of Licences
We strongly advise not to use business or any person who is not licensed or approved. Only licensed security professionals comply to security standards, endorsed by NSW Police and Security. Also as a matter of warranty and insurance purposes, you may not be covered effectively if you choose to have security work done by an unlicensed individual. BEWARE they are out there, always ask for a license number. Do not risk your security with an unlicensed person or company!
Class 1
- Unarmed Guards
- Bodyguards
- Crowd Controllers
- Guard Dog Holders
- Monitoring Centre Operators
- Armed Guards
- Loss Prevention Officers
Class 2
- Security Consultants
- Security Sellers
- Locksmiths
- Security Trainers
- Barrier Equipment Specialists (formerly 2B & 2C)
- Electronic Equipment Specialists