Locksmith Northmead 2152 * Fast
Dr Lock Locksmith Northmead service that can offer 24 hour service.
when you forget your keys and lock yourself out or in, you will need the services of a local Locksmith Northmead. This is when Dr Lock Northmead Locksmith service can help you.
- A Locksmith to unlock your door
- Mobile locksmith in and around Northmead
- We make keys and change locks
- Locksmith Northmead service with Eftpos
- Our Locksmith install locks and repair locks
Local Locksmith Northmead
No doubt first and foremost Northmead is a very fast growing suburb in the Parramatta district, because we are located in Parramatta, every day we are watching how Northmead is growing in size and more unit complexes are being build for new Northmead residents. Northmead is in the ideal location for people who work in Westmead or Parramatta. More info on Northmead NSW 2152
Locks – Keys – Unlock- New Locks
Dr Lock provides a Locksmith Service in the Northmead area.We have a team of mobile locksmiths that work in and around Northmead every day.
Dr Lock is a locksmith service in the Northmead area for over 15 years.
and have seen the development of Northmead as well as watched many new building grow and be developed in this time.
Think Locks Think Security first, second, third
Local service and local knowledge is what sets Dr Lock apart from other locksmith services that work in the Northmead area.
Dr Lock is located only minutes away in Parramatta and our staff have the local knowledge on how to find your building and how to get to your building, even when the traffic is congested.
There are not too many buildings in the Northmead area that our locksmiths have not worked in in the past 15 years.
Dr Lock 24 Hour Locksmith Northmead Service
One very important service that most people don’t know about is our 24 hour locksmith service that we provide in Northmead.
Often people only find out about 24 hour locksmiths when they lock their keys inside for the first time.
Dr Lock dose offer a 24 hour locksmith service for the residents of Northmead that can come to you day or night and get you back inside your unit.
Don’t Panic – Call Dr Locksmith Northmead Now

Northmead Locksmith
There is no need to panic or try to clime up the side of a building; this can result in injury and damage.
When you next lock your self out, simply call Dr lock. We will send our nearest locksmith to you and get you back inside fast.
Its not worth braking a leg or climbing threw windows, to save $88.
Often our locksmiths can turn up in as little as 15 min depending on traffic and current work load at the time of call.With this intention to help you with your locks asap.

Locksmith Northmead
Accordingly outside normal business hours in reality is charged at a higher rate.
Dr Lock Northmead Locksmith service provides a safer and easy way to get back inside
Some of the service Dr Lock locksmiths offers are –
Installing locks. If you only have one lock and you need another lock, we can provide a wide range of locks and also have our locksmiths install them for you.
Adding security for the purpose of simply upgrading is not a problem. In addition our on-line lock shop you can speak with our locksmiths about having a lock installed by a real locksmith with attention to getting maximum protection from the lock
Changing Locks –
If you have locks and you would like to change the key to a fresh key, we can help. If cheaper to reconfigure your current lock to a new key compared to installing a new lock.
With this in mind for example If you configure your lock to a new key the old keys will no longer work. Parts inside the lock are removed and replaced to make it imposable for the old keys to work. With attention to the only keys that will work are the new keys our locksmith will issue to you.
Online lock shop.
Its often a nightmare running around Sydney looking for a small spring or lock part. You will most likely visit 3-6 locksmith shops before your find what you are looking for.With this in mind visit Dr Lock Shop On-line for fast lock shopping
Locked Out ?
There is an easier way; simply click on our on-line locksmith shop and you will see all the little parts and springs that are available. We sell a range of deadlocks and handle locks for people that would like to install their own locks.
We especially include some videos and detailed information to help you find the locks that your need and the rating of the lock you are looking for.
The locks we sell are often higher quality compared with the locks commonly sold at your local hardware.
Mailbox Security Locks Northmead
Hot deals. Letterbox security locks are on special for residents of Northmead. We can install you a security mailbox lock that will prevent people steeling your mail.
No doubt your mailbox is often forgotten about.
Of course it is a easy target for thieves to steel your privet and sensitive information.
Their is a number of reports from customers in Northmead about mail stolen.
Accordingly credit cards are the most stolen item that our customers tell us about together with bills.
On the other hand we provide a security locks, stopping thieves stealing your mail when they use of a master key.
From here on the Dr Lock security, mailbox locks start from as much as $44 + service call. Regardless it’s a huge jump in security compared to the standard mailbox locks
Northmead Locksmith Tip of the week.
Install a security key of high security key on your unit front door. For instance For example Dr Lock locksmiths see well over 6 units this year in Northmead, that have been broken into by thieves who have picked the lock.
With the Internet now teaching people tricks on how to pick locks. Its possible for thieves to pick standard unit locks. If your lock is picked you may not even know nevertheless, although this may be true there can be no visual damage.
Stop your locks from lock picking
Installing a high security key will prevent them from lock picking your lock. Security keys have different levels of security keys. Even the cheaper security keys will slow the thieves down. Most likely stop them from being able to lock pick your lock open.
All things considered the next part to the tip is to keep a spare key with a friend or real estate accordingly. Security keys are hard for locksmiths to open If you forget your key. Always keep a spare security keys in the event you lock your self out.