Locksmith Sydney Glossary Terms 02 989 12345

Glossary Locksmith of terms in alphabetical order

Provided By Dr Lock Locksmith Sydney



The measurement used to measure the length of the lock to the spindle hole . Also to identify the side of the lock latch

Bathroom Lock

A lock which is used with thumb turn handles to allow the occupant of the bathroom to lock the door from the inside and can be opened from the outside in case of an emergency – without using a key to unlock


A cylindrical portion of the cylinder that rotates when the correct key is used.


A key that has not yet been cut


A lever attached to the end of a barrel to activate the lock mechanism.

Change locks / Change Combo

This refers to recoding your locks to suit a new key. Setting the lock so the old keys will not work, and the new keys will

Construction Key

A key supplied with construction keyed locks. During construction, a builder gains entry using the construction key. On completion of the building, action is taken to render the construction key inoperative, preventing further entry by the builder.


The notches cut in the key to make it fit a lock


The part of the lock which you uses key.



The deadbolt is a lock that uses a bolt for locking. Once the lock is locked the bolt is also locked and becomes “dead” meaning you cannot push it back or move the bolt.


The Deadlock refers to a lock that when locked is “dead” as to say securely locked, The term Deadlock is used by most people to describe almost all kinds of lock which have a double locking function. Deadbolts / deadlatches / 3 point locking are a few examples of what most people would refer to as a deadlock.

Dead latch

A lock containing a dead latch bolt. A lock that can be slammed to lock, When locked the latch becomes dead   ie. “Non movable”


Deadlocking Latch

A lock with a spring-actuated latch bolt. When the door is closed, the key or turn knob is operated to deadlock the latch bolt against return by end pressure.

Door Chain

A device that restricts the door from being completely opened in order to identify callers prior to opening the door for access

Electric Strike

An electrical device that acts to releasing of the lock from the door frame usually of the time by remote control.

Euro Profile Cylinder

A cylinder barrel with a specific shape that can be fitted and used in many types of locks including mortice locks and multi-point locks especially  of all European locks


The exposed surface of a lock which shows in the edge. This is commonly around the cylinder or on the outside or over the front of the lock or device


A tool used by locksmith to remove the center of a lock without releasing preloaded pins


Grand Master Key

A key which will operate two or more groups of locks, where each group can be operated by individual master keys and locks within each group which can be operated by different service keys.


A catch or other device on a lock which can hold the latch bolt in the retracted position.


The feature of a door closer unit which enables a door to be held in the opened position until released.

Hook bolts

Hook shaped bolts used on a multiple application such as window locks and mortice locks. The locking part of the lock generally looks like a hook shape

Indicator Bolt

A slide-action bolt installed in areas where privacy is desired (such as toilets and bathrooms) which provides visual indication that the room is occupied or vacant.



Vertical posts or pieces that together form the sides of a door or window frame.

Jimmy Proof

Locks feature a bolt which interlocks with the strike.

Keeper / Striker

A metal plate or box which receive the bolt or latch when locked

Keyed Alike

Indicates the working key for 2 or more locks. “Both lock work on the same key”

Keyed to Differ

A different key is needed to activate each lock.

Key way

(short answer) The slot into which the key is inserted.
(long answer) Refers to (a) the size and shape of the
(cross-section of the) key, and (b) the opening in the
lock which is shaped to admit the key and to keep out
most keys of different sizes and shapes.



The fastening on a door that fits into the notch or slot on a door jamb and is lifted from either side by the handle.


Laminated Glass

A type of “safety glass” much stronger than normal glass, made up of two layers of glass bonded together with a tough plastic film.


This is a latch that also works as a bolt. Some locks have this type of locking system, Normally when you close the door, The door will latch & when you turn the key the latch will then be used as a bolt to lock.


Levers are used in some mortice locks and padlocks.  The higher the number of levers a lock contains, the higher the level of security it offers. Leavers are an older style of lock security, Now commonly pins are more commonly used instead of leavers. You can identify a leaver lock from the old fashion key shape, With the long shaft and flag style end.

Locking Point

The point where the lock enters the frame of the door


A lock, complete with strike and door furniture, such as knobs, levers, escutcheons, or handles.


Maison System

A keying system suitable for apartments, flats, offices, hotels and motels. Each apartment, flat or office has its own key which will not operate the locks to another apartment, flat or office but will, however, operate the locks to communal entrances and service areas.

Master Code

is the default code for an electronic security device before the user selects their own.

Master Key

One key that operates a number of locks where the individual locks each have their own, different key

Mortice Lock

The lock fits into a ‘cut out’ of a timber door edge.

Multi-Point Lock

Describes a type of lock mechanism that has more than one locking point.  It usually has a minimum of three locking points (plus latch) spread strategically over the length of the door.


A lock which is mounted onto the surface of the door as opposed to being morticed into the edge of the door.  A nightlatch holds the door shut on a latch which can often be deadlocked into position.

Nightlatches are still sometimes referred to by their traditional name of ‘rimlock’

One-Way Screw

Screws with specially shaped heads to prevent removal by conventional screwdriver.

Override Code

is a code for an electronic lock that will override the users own code in case of emergency.


Passage Set

A term commonly used to describe a latch set with handles on both sides of a door but no locking function.

Rim Lock

Nightlatches are still sometimes referred to by their traditional name of ‘rimlock’ although a rimlock usually now refers to a basic security lock for use on internal doors, gates or outbuildings

Patio Lock

A bolt style lock commonly used on patio boors once the bolt has been pushed down it is locked. This type of lock is commonly key locked as well.


A small brass part used in the lock to match the key shape


Pin Tumblers

Small sliding pins in a lock cylinder which work against coil springs and prevent the cylinder plug from rotating until the correct key is inserted.

Privacy Set

A term for locks used on bathroom and bedroom doors having an inside button or turn knob to lock the outside handle and usually an emergency function which will unlock the set from the outside.

Rebated Door

A door where the leading edge is stepped.

Reversible Lock

A lock with the components that can be readily adapted to enable the lock to suit door of either hand, opening in or out.

Rim Lock, Rim Latch

A lock or latch which is mounted to the surface of a door, rather than inserted into the edge of the door.


Safety Glass

A glass that is designed to reduce the risk of injury when broken.


A frame in which the panes of a window or door are set.

Service Key

A key which will only operate the lock that has been built to suit that service key.


Single-Action Escape Lock

A lockset installed to a door where exit is obtained by a single action without the use of a key.


A lock part located at the ‘side’ of the plug and fitting into longitudinal grooves in both the plug and the lock body. This keeps the plug from turning until the sidebar
is retracted into the plug. Retraction is blocked until the correct key (or picking) moves the pins or other tumblers to positions which cease to block the retraction
or produce some other action allowing the retraction. A sidebar can add additional positioning beyond the usual “shear line” and so can make picking more difficult. A number of locks use a sidebar to increase security.



A button or slider on a night latch that enables the latch to be “held back”, preventing the door from accidentally slamming shut.


The spindle is a square metal bar which connects the door handles on either side of your door together through the follower.  When the levers of your door handles are pressed, the spindle rotates and operates the latch inside the door, allowing the door to open or a device used to either lock or unlock the lockset by turning it.


A device fixed in or on a doorjamb into which the lock or latch bolt engages when the door is closed.

Strike Box

A security component used in conjunction with the strike plate to help protect the bolt against end pressure.

Surface Mounted

The lock is mounted on the surface of the door stile.



Tempered Glass

A type safety glass that has undergone a heat treatment process in order to increase its strength. Also known as toughened glass.

Thumb Turn Cylinder

A knob fitted to one end of a cylinder which allows the door to be unlocked without a key from one side only


Tubular Bolt/latch

A bolt having a tubular case.

Turn Knob

Turning mechanism that activates the door lock from the inside, a convenient locking option in place of a key.





A hall or lobby next to the entrance door of a dwelling and from which other doors open to various rooms.


See Disc Tumblers.

Wafer tumbler


Used in locks which are less expensive than pin tumbler
locks. They behave somewhat similarly.


Warded lock

A lock using wards to keep an incorrect key from entering
the key hole and turning.





With tanks to the reference – Wiki – Yale – Lsc – Lockwood – Stason




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