Every day as a locksmith is a new day and every day is a new lock. We had the opportunity to work with Suzuki intruder 250 today.

Suzuki Intruder 250
Start with as a motorcycle. It seems like a very nice motorcycle learner compliant and extremely comfortable.Suzuki Intruder
The overall design of the motorbike seems to have the Harley feel and the shape or the motor is a v shape that gives a nice sound, and after working on it, mechanically seems to be quiet well structured.
As far as locks and keys on the Suzuki Intruder , this motorbike did not come up on any of our computer systems. It is interesting to find out what key work this motorcycle and what information we had on file for this bike.
After a lot of investigation we found that we didn’t have information on the key and we didn’t have information on the key blank.
Suzuki intruder 250 Key Made
Dr Lock was still able to produce a key to this motorcycle. The biggest question was is this motorcycle using the transponder key? And after careful investigation we found that the motorcycle dose not requires the transponder key. Most Suzuki Intruder bikes are listed on our database as 1993 to 1996.
The Suzuki Intruder motorcycle we worked on today was a 2006. So there’s a long period in between drinks compared to what we have on file.
This post might help others who need to make keys to this particular type of motorcycle. Some of the things we found out like the key blank the amount of cuts in the spacing.
The key blank used was that SZ14RAP which is a Silca key blank. We also found that this key blank comes up as a seven cut key. Leaving room at the shoulder for an additional cut and at the tip of an additional cut.
We also found out that the dealers do not keep key codes of this particular type of motorcycle. In the late of motorcycles in this model they do, it unfortunate for us in the model that we are working on they did not.
This only leaves one other possible way of making key for this motorcycle. And that’s the old fashion way of removing lock and going through the manual procedure of cutting the key.
Although this method is quite reliable, you still need to deal with the two mystery cuts that are not included in the lock you make a key for.
On this occasion it was the first cut and the last cut.
Keep in mind that the key blank we were using was perhaps not the correct key blade. We found some conflicting references to the key blank. The key blank we were using fitted perfectly although slightly different from what came up on the computer as a suggestion. The key blank we were using was using a shoulder, as the key on computer used the tip stop and not the shoulder.SUZ13 If I recall correctly.
Our locksmiths still were able to produce a key which work the Suzuki Intruder bike perfectly and work the locks around the bike perfectly.
But it just goes to show you that when manufacturers don’t keep records of key codes, it’s up to the locksmith to fill in the blanks.
A few factors that other locksmiths might appreciate knowing are that the code is not printed on the ignition lock as suggested on the Internet. Most effective way we found is to make from the storage compartment next to the ignition.
This lock dose seems to be in good condition. Although the lock is extremely difficult to remove and dismantle, the lock does contain the necessary beating to be able to produce a key. All but two.
The machines were used to make this key was the HPC blue shark, the SEC 9 wave key machine and of course my trusty favourite HPC 1200. The end result was that once the cuts had been established by the dismantle lock; we could see the lock spacing and lock depths were correct. We were only missing two.
In summary for any locksmith who is reading this. We were able to use the space and depth standard Suzuki motorbike to create a key. You can use a scope to find the first cut and impression the key for the last.
One other factor which is worth noting is that on the back of the storage compartment lock chip next to the ignition which we removed, there was a number printed on the back of the lock this number did not correspond to any numbers entered in Instacode and the ones that did for not giving us the correct key.
In conclusion making key to this particular type of motorcycle will require patience and can be done by removing one of the locks, be prepared to pick the lock open to be up to remove the and using an Alan key screwdriver, the lock comes away quite easily.
The lock was easy to pick open using a double sided tension tool used on most automotive locks, and a jiggle key set to pick.
More information on the Suzuki Intruder motorbike can be found at this link